IBM CSC in Indonesia

The IBM Corporate Service Corps exposes IBM employees to the 21st century context for doing business Globally. Since its launch in 2008, the CSC program has contributed over 1,200 participants on over 100 teams, of 10 – 15 IBM’ers, to more than 20 countries around the world.

The participants are from over 50 countries and have served communities in Brazil, Chile, China, Egypt, Ghana, India, Indonesia, Kazakhstan, Kenya, Malaysia, Morocco, Nigeria, the Philippines, Romania, Russia, South Africa, Sri Lanka, Tanzania, Thailand, Turkey and Vietnam.

The purpose is two fold, to allow IBM to engage employees by immersion in strategic emerging markets, Develop global teaming and leadership, Exposure to diverse cultures, Work outside of the traditional office, Develop Problem solving in challenging & ambiguous environments, and have Leaders who can deliver a “Smart Planet”
For the employee, it allows them to: Acquire Global Leadership Skills, Develop as Global Citizens, Help Organizations in Emerging Markets to Further Develop & Grow

Friday, March 30, 2012

Day 13 (3/30) Makassar - It just got worse - Hotel Day 5

So my partner and I were planning to work from the hotel today anyway and I was planning on leaving with some of the team at 4 pm to go to a resort called Bira beach for a weekend of relaxing on the beach and get my sun tan for Minnesota.  We got a call around 13:30 that we all needed to be back at the hotel and stay there for at least the next 24 hours.  It seems the Indonesian Government (Parliament) is meeting to vote on a final decision about the gas price increase of 33% that has sparked the student and union demonstrations.  So, we are being locked down!  So a group of us ran to the big market next door and stocked up on essentials: beer, chips, apples, beer, cheese, peanuts and beer.  At least we can make the most of it.  Good thing the team all gets along great with each other and I consider everyone of them a good friend.  I plan to go to the roof of the hotel tomorrow with a couple of towels and at least look at the sky, read my book, take a nap, and get some sun.  #ibmcsc

Working with our Interpreter, Bartho, on translating our Presentations for Monday and Tuesday to the Client.

Found time to do some underwear laundry.
Pictures of the Demonstrations from Yesterday . . .

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