IBM CSC in Indonesia

The IBM Corporate Service Corps exposes IBM employees to the 21st century context for doing business Globally. Since its launch in 2008, the CSC program has contributed over 1,200 participants on over 100 teams, of 10 – 15 IBM’ers, to more than 20 countries around the world.

The participants are from over 50 countries and have served communities in Brazil, Chile, China, Egypt, Ghana, India, Indonesia, Kazakhstan, Kenya, Malaysia, Morocco, Nigeria, the Philippines, Romania, Russia, South Africa, Sri Lanka, Tanzania, Thailand, Turkey and Vietnam.

The purpose is two fold, to allow IBM to engage employees by immersion in strategic emerging markets, Develop global teaming and leadership, Exposure to diverse cultures, Work outside of the traditional office, Develop Problem solving in challenging & ambiguous environments, and have Leaders who can deliver a “Smart Planet”
For the employee, it allows them to: Acquire Global Leadership Skills, Develop as Global Citizens, Help Organizations in Emerging Markets to Further Develop & Grow

Monday, March 26, 2012

Day 9 (3/26) On the Job in Makassar (Tranportation Agency)

Well, we got an alert from IBM Security about big demonstrations this week and we should stay at the hotel.  University Students plan to protest a 33% rise in the cost of gasoline.  Since we all work at Government locations, and two of the teams, including mine, are across the street from the Province (State) government offices where the demonstrations will take place, it was safer to work from the hotel.  We did see some protests last week, but only about 50 students, but they had blocked streets and were burning tires on the street in front of the Transportation Office.  So we stayed at the hotel and are working on our deliverable presentations and training sessions we plan to give later this week or early next week.

During our first week, we saw this protesting group passing by where we were having lunch.


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