IBM CSC in Indonesia

The IBM Corporate Service Corps exposes IBM employees to the 21st century context for doing business Globally. Since its launch in 2008, the CSC program has contributed over 1,200 participants on over 100 teams, of 10 – 15 IBM’ers, to more than 20 countries around the world.

The participants are from over 50 countries and have served communities in Brazil, Chile, China, Egypt, Ghana, India, Indonesia, Kazakhstan, Kenya, Malaysia, Morocco, Nigeria, the Philippines, Romania, Russia, South Africa, Sri Lanka, Tanzania, Thailand, Turkey and Vietnam.

The purpose is two fold, to allow IBM to engage employees by immersion in strategic emerging markets, Develop global teaming and leadership, Exposure to diverse cultures, Work outside of the traditional office, Develop Problem solving in challenging & ambiguous environments, and have Leaders who can deliver a “Smart Planet”
For the employee, it allows them to: Acquire Global Leadership Skills, Develop as Global Citizens, Help Organizations in Emerging Markets to Further Develop & Grow

Saturday, March 10, 2012

Another Day, another flight, another hotel, to take one more flight

Made it to Jakarta Indonesia.  It was a 7 hour flight from Seoul.  Korean airline was awesome again.  I can't compare any other airline experience to their dedication to the customer.  Met a guy on the plane who was American working for Cargil, the Minneapolis based Agriculture company.  He has live here three years and had great advice.  Made it sound like we would have a great time and experience.  He works in Makassar sometimes and basically put any concern I had to rest.  He did say, the biggest risk factor is . . . the bats!!  Yes, bats.  They are small and are the biggest risk to Rabies.  But, he said don't worry about it.  Just don't be out in the country at night.  I got to Jakarta around 10 pm (22:00) after a fairly painless customs process, found our ride and had a somewhat wild ride in the car to the hotel.  Got in, checked in, met some of the team when they got back from the big IBM dinner I missed, and went to dinner with Jess at the German Brew house!  Yep, I was almost in heaven, but they only served Heineken and a local beer. But the food was very traditional (the restaurant has a German cook) and the place looked like a Gasthaus.  Have good night sleep, my body clock has converted well to the time change. Got up, packed, met the rest of the for breakfast, and now off to the airport. #ibmcsc

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